

Wageningen Academic is an STM publisher operating worldwide in the field of Life Sciences. Located at the heart of one of the world’s most famous food & agriculture research centres – Wageningen University & Research – we focus on topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment. We currently publish 7 journals and around 30 new (e-)books (monographs, textbooks and proceedings) per year. Wageningen Academic is part of Brill. Books can be published in print (paperback as well as hardcover) and as an e-book. We will decide this in consultation with the author(s). We also offer Open Access options, both for journal articles and books.
You may also be interested in OASES, our Online Academic Submission and Evaluation System, which is designed to make submission and processing of conference abstracts and papers more efficient and effective. OASES provides an online platform where conference materials can be monitored and managed fairly easily. The system allows contributions to be reviewed, adapted, rejected and accepted. In addition, OASES allows scheduling of your conference program, and overviews and reports of your conference material are just one click away. It is possible to tailor the system to your own needs.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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