IEEE Event Registration: Essential Business Skills for Engineers

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  • IEEE Event Registration: Essential Business Skills for Engineers

Bridging the Gap between Business and Engineering
Date and Time: 17 April 2024 at 10 AM Singapore Standard Time (SGT) / 16 April 2024 at 10 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

As the global engineering service industry gears up for high growth, the Asia Pacific region is expected to continue playing a vital role in fueling this positive outlook. With its rich cultural diversity and a constant drive towards innovation, the region has been successful in motivating technology professionals to develop their careers.

As an engineer or technical professional, your technical skills are undoubtedly valuable. In today’s corporate landscape, possessing effective communication and strong business acumen is equally essential for career advancement. To truly thrive and contribute to your organization’s success, it is crucial to grasp cross-disciplinary concepts and collaborate seamlessly within multi-functional teams. While your technical expertise lays a solid foundation, cultivating these interpersonal skills is key for long-term career prosperity. Embracing a holistic approach ensures not only personal growth but also propels your organization towards greater achievements.

Join IEEE and the Rutgers Business School for an exclusive, 60-minute live webinar as they share the types of achievements you can accomplish with the right training and resources. Engineers and technical professionals who attend this webinar will find opportunities for growth in the areas of business management and leadership. Learners will also be introduced to the IEEE | Rutgers Online Mini-MBA for Engineers and Technical Professionals. Don’t miss out – register and save your seat today! Can’t attend the live webinar? Don’t worry – register and receive the recording!

This event is being held during IEEE Education Week, 14-20 April 2024. Please visit IEEE Education Week to explore other educational opportunities for yourself and your company.

Register now:

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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